*book reference: 15 Key Ingredients For Effective Leadership

John 8:32
Nothing is more powerful than what you know. The only truth that sets you free is the one you know.

No one can know or learn for you!

Daniel 11:32
Knowledge empowers you to do exploits.
Jesus knew what He must do.

Good, quality and viable information is relevant to amass. It will take you where you need to go. You don’t want to be a spectator in this world we live in.

David had unbelievable insight in spiritual warfare. He didn’t become a leader overnight. There were limitations he had to deal with. Any leader has limitations they need to take off to be an effective leader.

A limit is a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.

1. His father did not believe in him.
I Samuel 16:11;19
The first limitation you will have to overcome is limitation from the house. Lack of validation or affirmation from your family should not stop you from being what God has destined you to be.

2. Samuel did not believe in him
I Samuel 10:1
I Samuel 16:13
Are people disappointed in you? Are there people who do not believe in you? The only thing that matters is, God is for you. And if God be for you, who can be against you?

3. He was underage to join the army
I Samuel 17:2
Don’t let your age, size, background, skin colour or who you are today limit you. Only God can determine who you are!
Success & being an effective leader does not depend on your age-it is what is inside you that matters.

4. His brothers did not believe in him
I Samuel 17:28
Your friends or peers may not believe in you. What matters is, God believes in you and has confidence in you. His plan and purpose will come to pass.

5. King Saul did not believe in him
I Samuel 17:33; 34-37
You must have exploits that will speak for you, just like David.
Have confidence and assurance that if God has done it before, He will do it again.

If you are going to succeed, you should strive to have accomplishments.
You can’t accomplish if you haven’t prepared. Opportunity should never meet unpreparedness.
I Samuel 16:18

6. Goliath underrated him
I Samuel 17:42
Everyone will face a giant. Don’t let anyone underrate you. You know who you are, what you have, and what you can do in Christ Jesus.

You can’t be a God kind of leader if you don’t believe in the supernatural. You must put your faith in God.

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Psalm 78:70-71
David was humble. God doesn’t use proud people.

b) David spoke the word
I Samuel 17:45
If you are going to break your limitations, learn to speak and declare the word of God.

c) David was a man of integrity
Psalm 78:72
Proverbs 11:3

Honesty and truthfulness are elusive to those who base their character on their world system.
-Honesty is truthfulness, trustworthiness and openness. It is also being sincere and not giving to deceitful tendencies.
-Integrity means an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. It also means moral soundness, honour and consistency.

Acts 6:3
If you are going to be an effective leader, it is important to have an honest report.
Ecclesiastes 7:1
Proverbs 22:1
A good name attracts respect.

What do the people in your community and workplace say about you?
Philippians 2:15
God wants us to shine. The difference between us and the world is, we are the light of the world.

Our moral uprightness should fully reflect both in the eyes of God and the eyes of men.

1. Debt payment
2. You should be trusted. Do what you say you will do; honour your promises and be consistent.
3. Avoid lying and deceit
-outright lies
-planned lies
-foolish lies
-bragging and boasting
Proverbs 19:22

d) David was skilful
Psalm 78:22
David had trained himself
I Samuel 16:18

Skill is what differentiates between the successful and unsuccessful.
Proverbs 18:16

If you have a gift and you don’t develop that gift, it brings you nowhere!

If you are going to break your limitations, God must be with you. When God is with you, when others are failing, you will succeed. He causes you to rise and makes you find favour. May you be able to accomplish, so others can use you as a testimony!

Remain blessed.


  • This is the food that we need its good to know some of this limitations so that I can stand out in where ever I go as a leader.thank you Bishop.

  • Frank Dabi says:

    Thanks so much man of the living God for sharing the divine word with the world. May God richly bless you and keep you safe.

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