
August:Family Life Month

Sunday Sermon: The Man or The Woman? Who is better?
1 Peter 3:7
You need an understanding of the marital relationship and what you don’t understand, you can not make work.


You can have all the intelligence in the world but if you do not understand what you are doing, it will not work.
Psalm 119:30
Proverbs 24:3

You may have different personalities but you have different genders and are wired differently.
Just like all electrical differences are wired differently, so are men and women.

How are we different from each other?

1. Your cells are different. Men have XY chromosomes. Women have XX
2. Men give the seed or sperm, women nurture and have children.
3. Energy: men have more energy because of more red blood cells and have a huge lung capacity
4. Rate of deterioration:we deteriorate differently
5. Strength and weakness: men are stronger
6. Body mass composition is different
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8. Lung capacity and immune system
9. Skulls and bones have different bone composition
10. Choice of books: Men Carry in hand, women carry on chest
11. Choice of toys: men will buy mechanical stuff, women will buy home ware and baby toys
12. How we are turned on: men are turned on by sight, women; emotionally Songs of Solomon 4:1-5; Songs of Solomon 3:1-4 men are visual creatures and so always make sure that from the moment you wake to the time you sleep,you must always look good
13. Our brains work differently: women use both sides of the brain and men use one side of the brain. They deal with both logic, calculations and emotions at the same time. Women are able to multi task. Women can be easily deceived because we like to be emotionally fed. So husbands should feed their emotional deposits daily.
14. Women are turned on differently
15. Men get satisfaction from being competitive and their accomplishments be it work, praised at home or in their field of endeavour.
16. Women like to be cherished.
17. Don’t drag issues
18. Men are born natural conquerors . A sexually satisfied husband is usually a good provider
19. When men go shopping, they just pick it up and leave.
20. Women on the other hand go into a shop, they enter and they shop.
21. Men want to make a journey and get to their destination but women like to savour the journey.
22. Women like to talk but men like to solve the problem
23. Women do not want to have headlines when it comes to communication. They want an in depth analysis of your day; not one liners
24. Women speak 30,000 words a day whilst men on the other hand speak 20,000 words so do not accuse your wife of speaking too much. Just engage her in conversation so she doesn’t slide towards gossip to make up for it.

Women and men are created and wired differently so we can live in peace but not so we can change each other.
None of us is better than the other;but made to complement and walk hand in hand together as partners.

I pray that we will dwell with each other in knowledge and have happy and peaceful marriages to the glory and honour of the Lord.


One Comment

  • Stella ndukwe says:

    I am so excited about such a relevant info. Both man and woman have a weakpoint in marraige. The only solution there is understanding. And peace of the family lies on the woman’s hand. In my own opion thnks

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